Peer Learning Session on Monitoring and Evaluation

On 25th July 2022, two staff from CCDS, and other CSOs attended a training on Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) as part of the Peer-Learning Session organized by the European Union.

M&E is an approach that has mainly been developed to measure and assess the success and performance of projects or programs conducted in the organization. To meet the growing demand, Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) and Civil Societies (CSOs) are under serious pressure to demonstrate development success to funders in a clear, comprehensive, compelling and innovative manner.

NGOs are expected to make their operations as transparent and accountable as possible. This is by providing a clear cut picture from the beginning regarding where, why and how every amount is spent and how it has contributed to fostering a change in the community of interest.

Successful development projects today are grounded in careful planning, rigorous data collection, implementation, and thorough analysis and reporting; and this is where monitoring and evaluation comes into play.

The objectives of M&E report is to:

Apply reporting principles while writing an M & E report.

Analyze and integrate quantitative and qualitative data appropriately for presenting project facts and findings in the report.

Draw proper conclusions and recommendations.

This project is fully funded by the European Union, and implemented

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