On the 9th of May, 2023, our Pad-A-Girl Campaign Team from Centre for Creative Development Strategies, in partnership with Rotary Club of Port Harcourt Eco visited the Special Child School mainly for girls with special needs. The program featured Menstrual Health and Hygiene Education where the Executive Director of Centre for Creative Development Strategies, Amb. Nancy Iheduru was also a speaker, and spoke passionately about menstrual health, and period pains girls go through, the dangers in most conventional pads if not properly changed at the right time, the environmental pollution they cause when being discarded, and the need to consider washable menstrual pads for their monthly flow which lasts for over two years and more.
With funding support from the Rotary Club of Port-Harcourt Eco and other partners, we held a robust session on menstrual health education. We donated eco-friendly and conventional pads to the menstruators and welfare items were also donated for the home. The school is run by the Daughters of Charity.